Planate Management Group has been verified and is now included in the CPDN (Contractor Performance Dispersal Network). How can CPDN help Planate? The CPDN utilizes government officials — notably from the Office of Small, Disadvantaged Business Utilization — to disperse the project history articles published on FedGov.News. These officials, known colloquially as “conduit members” — receive the information published through FedGov.News (project history, generally) and distribute it out to their networks through social media, email, et cetera. With currently around 150 “conduit members” — representing every major agency and many of the largest prime contractors — small business contractors easily can get their message, brand, and project experience out to over 15,000 government buyers. This technique, often referred to as “prearranged, word-of-mouth, viral distribution” can improve communication, enhance innovation, and generally increase a firm’s bid-win ratio significantly, with many finding an increase of 30-80% additional contract wins.