We commit to adhering to U.S laws, regulations and international standards.
We invest in training, monitoring, and enforcement of compliance standards.
We demonstrate our adherence to international standards through certain documents that may be found on this page.​

Human Trafficking Compliance Program

Planate Management Group LLC (Planate) is opposed to human trafficking in all forms and is supportive of the US Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.222-50 Combating Trafficking in Persons (hereafter referred to as FAR 52.222-50) to combat human trafficking and will ensure the risk of such practices is mitigated within the business.

FAR 52.222-50 prohibits US Government contractors and their agents from engaging in any severe form of trafficking in persons, defined to mean the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, debt bondage or slavery and sex trafficking. To comply with FAR 52.222-50 all applicable businesses engaged in contract with the US Government must develop a Compliance Plan to ensure such mitigation of risks.

(Click here to view the document)

Code of Business Conduct

This Code of Business Conduct contains the specific Corporate Policies adopted by Planate Management Group (hereinafter” planate” or Company”) that relate to the legal and ethical standards of conduct of Director, Employees, Contractor, and Legal Agents of Planate. The Corporate Policies listed in the index set forth in Corporate Policy 3-0000 constitute the Code of Business Conduct and govern the conduct of business by the Company. The Code of Business Conduct establishes a common set of ethical standards and legal principles that the Company expects all Directors, Employees, Contractors, and Legal Agents to exhibit when dealing with clients, the community and each other. The Company also expects that Third Parties will also ascribe to these same ethical standards. Corporate Policies Nos. 3-0005and 3-0007 of the Code of Business Conduct specifically address the policies and procedures that must be observed by Third Parties. The Company will not condone any illegal or unethical actions.

The purpose of this General Policy laws and Business Conduct is to provide a general statement regarding the Company’s requirements as to the legal and ethical nature of conduct of the Company’s Directors, Employees, Contractors, and Legal Agents and to provide for the administration of the Company’s Code of Business Conduct.

(Click here to view the document)

Planate Ethics Program

This Program was adopted for ensuring knowledge by Planate employees, contractors and consultants of the basic rules of ethical business conduct supported and promoted by Planate.

(Click here to view the document)